Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday's Living Water


Nor let us act immorally, as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.
Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents.
Nor grumble, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the destroyer.
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
1 Corinthians 10: 8-11

Ni forniquemos, como algunos de ellos fornicaron, y en un día cayeron veintitrés mil.
Ni provoquemos al Señor, como algunos de ellos le provocaron, y fueron destruidos por las serpientes.
Ni murmuréis, como algunos de ellos murmuraron, y fueron destruidos por el destructor.
Estas cosas les sucedieron como ejemplo, y fueron escritas como enseñanza para nosotros, para quienes ha llegado el fin de los siglos.
1 Corintios 10: 8-11

Reading - Slowly read the Scripture passage several times.

Meditation - Take some time to reflect on the words and phrases in the text. Which words, phrases or images speak to you most?

Prayer - Offer the internalized passage back to God in the form of a personalized prayer of adoration, confession, renewal, petition, intercession, affirmation, or thanksgiving.

Contemplation - What word or image captures the spirit of the passage for you?

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