Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday's Living Water


She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
Luke 10: 39-42

Y ella tenía una hermana que se llamaba María, que sentada a los pies del Señor, escuchaba su palabra. Pero Marta se preocupaba con todos los preparativos; y acercándose a El, le dijo: Señor, ¿no te importa que mi hermana me deje servir sola? Dile, pues, que me ayude. Respondiendo el Señor, le dijo: Marta, Marta, estás preocupada y molesta por tantas cosas; pero una sola cosa es necesaria, y María ha escogido la parte buena, la cual no le será quitada.
Lucas 10: 39-42

Reading - Slowly read the Scripture passage several times.

Meditation - Take some time to reflect on the words and phrases in the text. Which words, phrases or images speak to you most?

Prayer - Offer the internalized passage back to God in the form of a personalized prayer of adoration, confession, renewal, petition, intercession, affirmation, or thanksgiving.

Contemplation - What word or image captures the spirit of the passage for you?

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