Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday's Living Water


And they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
Revelation 5: 9

Y cantaban* un cántico nuevo, diciendo: Digno eres de tomar el libro y de abrir sus sellos, porque fuiste inmolado, y con tu sangre compraste para Dios a gente de toda tribu, lengua, pueblo y nación.
Apocalipsis 5: 9

Reading - Slowly read the Scripture passage several times.

Meditation - Take some time to reflect on the words and phrases in the text. Which words, phrases or images speak to you most?

Prayer - Offer the internalized passage back to God in the form of a personalized prayer of adoration, confession, renewal, petition, intercession, affirmation, or thanksgiving.

Contemplation - What word or image captures the spirit of the passage for you?

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